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“Gemma is our ‘go to per­son’ in Antigua when­ever we need web­site updates, re-​wording for fly­ers, and updated tour pages. She offers easy, fast and effi­cient com­mu­ni­ca­tion to get the job done.” - Katja Geisler, Cre­ole Antigua Tours

“Gemma’s work is always exem­plary, well-​crafted, cre­ative and pro­fes­sional.” - Ken Richards, for­mer BBC Caribbean producer/​presenter

“I was amazed at how you were able to gather all the bits of trivia I spoke about and also include so many of your own obser­va­tions. A con­sum­mate pro­fes­sional. I am impressed.” - Marva Chris­t­ian, cor­po­rate client

“Gemma’s com­mis­sioned arti­cles are thor­oughly researched, well-​written, accu­rate and deliv­ered in advance of dead­lines.” - Keith Nuthall, direc­tor, Inter­na­tional News Ser­vices Ltd

“Thank you for tak­ing the time and thor­oughly edit­ing our children’s non-​fiction book. It was a plea­sure to work with you as you are quick to respond and deliver qual­ity work. As an edi­tor, we found you to be pro­fes­sional, knowl­edge­able and easy to com­mu­ni­cate with. We were very impressed that, despite your busy work­load, you man­aged to deliver ahead of the sched­uled dead­line, tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion our time­line. There is no doubt we would like to use your edit­ing ser­vices in the future.” - Irene Dan­ics and Katie Hinks, authors of ‘Explore the Turks & Caicos Islands’

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