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Copy­writ­ing. Edit­ing. Proof-​reading.

Get­ting it right

Some­times it can be an effort putting pen to paper. Maybe you know what you want to say but are strug­gling to strike the right tone. Maybe you just don’t have the time.

Whether you want to cre­ate scin­til­lat­ing copy to pro­mote your busi­ness to the world, add some piz­zazz to your web­site prose, or com­mis­sion an arti­cle for an inter­na­tional pub­li­ca­tion, allow me to help.

With an eagle eye for typos — and a knack for trans­form­ing tedious text into phe­nom­e­nal prose — I also offer a com­pre­hen­sive copy-​editing and proof-​reading service.

Thank­fully, mod­ern tech­nol­ogy means the world is smaller and more eas­ily acces­si­ble than ever.

So, if you’re a talker, we can chat. Or if you just want a lit­tle magic infus­ing into some­thing that’s already drafted, drop me a line.

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